We'd love to have you visit!

Welcome! It is a real joy to meet newcomers and share all the good things God is doing in our church family. The Westview Church of Christ believes God has a plan for all believers. It is our hope that all people will walk by faith in such a way that God is able to lead them through this life and to an eternal life. We look forward to meeting you!

Sunday Mornings

We have finally returned to a schedule that resembles our pre-pandemic schedule.

Sunday morning English Worship  -  9:15 a.m.

Sunday morning classes for all ages  -  10:30 a.m. (ends at 11:15 a.m.)

Sunday Hispanic worship & classes begin at 11:15 a.m.

What will you experience at Westview?

* Praise through song. It is the tradition of our heritage to sing a cappella (without instruments) as we encourage everyone to be involved in uplifting praise.

* We value the Bible. You will hear God's Word read and all sermons and classes will give the utmost respect and priority to Scripture.

* We share the Lord's Supper every week remembering the sacrifice of Christ that provides us forgiveness as we celebrate our salvation through Him.

* We do not expect our guests to give financially to our work. We depend on the generous and godly giving of all Westview members to provide the funds needed to implement God's plan for this church.

Wednesday Nights

We do not have our traditional Wednesday night classes right now. Instead, we are facilitating smaller groups throughout the week. Please contact us for more information. A Bible study group is meeting at the building every Wednesday evening at 6:30 p.m. It is currently studying I Corinthians. 

Discovery Groups

We have several Discovery Groups that meet at various times and places. When you visit please look at the Discovery Group bulletin board at the back of the auditorium for descriptions of each group. These groups are a great way to build community, be encouraged, and grow spiritually.